Medical translations and revisions

Cred că există o mare lipsă de traducători buni de texte medicale din română în engleză și cred că ați putea să vă faceți loc cu ușurință în aceasta nișă. Majoritatea medicilor știu engleză destul de bine, dar nu au timp. Eu aș fi pierdut foarte mult timp cu traducerea de la 0. Însă, dupa ce ați trimis articolele, cred că am stat maxim 1-2 ore să le verific. Deci clar a meritat. Sincer să fiu, eu chiar am fost mulțumit de traducere. (Vlad A., oncologist)


I collaborate with Romanian medical professionals, European institutions, private medical practices and clinics, multinational pharmaceutical companies, and others to translate or revise:

  • scientific articles (original research, reviews, case reports, etc.)
  • standardized questionnaires and research tools
  • habilitation theses for would-be PhD supervisors
  • abstracts of PhD theses and scientific articles
  • grant / scholarship / internship applications
  • online courses, including interface and video subtitles
  • product descriptions for marketing purposes
  • articles and booklets from other fields such as theatre art, musicology, geography

My work with scientific medical texts constantly sharpens my linguistic abilities, nurtures my curiosity, expands my understanding, and deepens my appreciation for medical science. Here is a quick inventory of the topics I have tackled until now:

  • bioethics and related international/European legislation
  • lung diseases and lung cancer
  • colorectal cancer
  • pediatric oncology and hematologic diseases
  • diabetes, including self-management and diabetic cardiomyopathy
  • inflammatory bowel disease and its manifestations
  • atherosclerosis therapies
  • major abdominal surgery
  • gynecology, endometriosis, cervical cancer and screening
  • reproductive medicine, cutting edge fertility treatments
  • infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance
  • surgery following trauma
  • oral premalignant lesions
  • gingival fibroblasts

Translation and revision fees

To check how I establish my translation fees, click here. Also, consider translating the text yourself and having my help for editing and proofreading. Better yet, I encourage you to develop your scientific writing skills with my help. To do this, you can involve me in your writing process from the start as your scientific writing coach, or we can design a scientific writing course to suit your style and needs.

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