With Ioana by my side, I’ve had the most amazing learning experience while training to pass my OET exam. She tailored each session to my needs and my level of English, constantly adapting to my learning style. Moreover, she’s an awesome person and all our meetings were super fun! I highly recommend her as a trustworthy partner along the sometimes tough road to achieving a high score in an English language test. (Ioana B, 2nd-year medical resident whose first OET exam experience was a success)
I want to thank Ioana for all the hard work we did together during our sessions. We learned a lot, we had fun, we worked tremendously and the results are proof of it. I stand by what I said, that people like her are hard to come by and that they deserve all the love and appreciation, because you don’t feel like having a teacher beside you, but a friend and a mentor who shows you the guaranteed path to success. I dearly recommend her to everyone who wants to learn English in a different way and have great results! (Lorena A., 6th-year medical student whose first OET exam experience was a success)
Pot spune ca nu am simtit asa de multa caldura si sustinere din partea unui profesor pana la intalnirea cu prietena mea, Ioana Cretu. Pentru ca da, sedintele vin la pachet cu formarea unei relatii de prietenie. Ii multumesc mult pentru pregatirea ce mi-a asigurat luarea examenului din prima si pentru atitudinea vesela constanta si incurajatoare cu care m-a imbratisat. (Maria B., 6th-year medical student whose first OET exam experience was a success)
M-au ajutat mult lecțiile de engleză cu tine in discuția cu pacienții și pentru dictarea scrisorilor medicale! (spontaneous feedback from Stefan A., some time after achieving his goal of practicing medicine in London)
More and more, senior medical/nursing students and young graduates are taking notice of the OET, or Occupational English Test as an internationally acknowledged pathway to effective professional language and communication skills.
In short, the OET is the IELTS of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, and other related fields. It is a serious, reliable, internationally recognized language certificate. Healthcare systems and institutions around the world welcome job/internship candidates who score high in the appropriate OET exam.
Since October 2018, I have been addressing this rising interest through a variety of learning activities:
- introductory sessions and diagnostics
- one-to-one courses and coaching
- group workshops and courses
- diagnostics and feedback
- full exam simulations
I am an accredited provider of OET exam preparation, fully confident in my ability to help OET candidates prepare effectively and succeed without expensive re-examinations. Up to now, almost everyone who prepared with me achieved 350+ points across the board in their first exam sitting. The few exceptions have provided useful lessons about adjusting course in case of unforeseen events, e.g. illness, accident.
I keep updated by participating in all OET teacher development sessions, by networking with other accredited preparation providers, by purchasing the latest preparation materials, and by developing my own. I am in touch with the EEC/ European Examinations Center in Bucharest and with SSMI / Societatea Studenților Mediciniști Iași. Together, we can facilitate access to relevant information, quality training and testing opportunities for potential candidates.
I appreciate the high stakes of the OET exams and understand their specialized requirements. I give nothing but my best to make sure candidates prepare for nothing but success. Time and effort go into providing optimal training, and I expect the same level of commitment in return.
I do NOT agree to get involved or discuss finances BEFORE having the opportunity to understand your context, objectives, needs, and to answer your questions. Also, I do NOT begin work or charge money UNLESS we reach a clear, shared vision of how I can help.
More about my fees here.