Translations for the Council of Europe

Thank you very much for your excellent work in translating the modules of the HELP course in Bioethics into the Romanian language. I have exchanged with my colleagues, and the only feedback we can offer is that we are really very happy about the work achieved. (Katrin, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Bioethics Unit, Council of Europe)


The Council of Europe offers the HELP series of free online courses for legal professionals. These courses HELP develop awareness, knowledge, and understanding of important legal issues. One area of interest is how mainstreamed medical innovation impacts human rights.

In autumn 2018, I translated from English to Romanian the HELP bioethics course modules on people’s right to integrity in the context of genetic testing, end of life, biomedical research, protection of the embryo, and transplantation. It was a very interesting, challenging translation. Part of my process involved researching European legislation and how it is ratified in Romania. Needless to say, I learned a lot myself!

A few months later, I was invited to translate the video subtitles corresponding to the video interviews in which experts explain key concepts, European legislation, and interesting cases.

Currently, the Romanian texts are being integrated into the online interface. I will update this page when the Romanian version of the course becomes available on the Council of Europe HELP website.

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